The title sounds a bit boring, but it
definitely wasn't boring at all. The Fort Worth Museum of Science & History better known as the Science Place is a children's museum where they are welcome to touch everything. We had a blast with my best friend Jennifer and her husband Babe and their three handsome little boys.
Emily learns about
dinosaurs while sitting in a
dinosaur print.

The kids really loved the home life play area where they got to do grown up things, like shop at the grocery store and work in a hospital.

Jennifer's little boy
Jett, doesn't quite have the hang of shopping like the girls do.

The kids even got to scan their groceries on a self check out station.
All good doctors wash their hands before dealing with their patients.

Emily the Paramedic

I think Emily could have spent hours in the nursery taking care of the babies, she even
separated them by ethnic origin.

Traffic was quite bad getting to work each day.

The kids learned all about water in this part of the museum.

Abigail and Sterling

Babe, Jennifer's husband, is really good playing with all of the kids.
Jett, Jennifer's baby. What a cutie!

The kids learned all about things that rotate, like pinwheels and hula hoops.

The kids got to go on a
dinosaur dig.

Me and my best friend Jennifer with our six children. She has three boys, Sterling, Carter, and
Jett and I have three girls Abigail, Emily, and Elizabeth.