The pictures in this post are kind of in reverse order, so if you would like to know what happened over our Easter weekend in chronological order, you will have to read from the bottom up. On Easter Sunday I had a big dinner planned, but most of the plans for the day were changed because I woke up at 4:00 am with a stomach virus. That is the second one this month, and no people, I am not pregnant, just around virus-carrying children way too much. Darin and Heather managed to pull the dinner off and as far as I know it tasted pretty
delish, but I didn't eat all day. I think it has become our family tradition to have Ham, Funeral Potatoes, Salad, Rolls, and Pie & Ice Cream on Easter, cause we have had that for the past three Easters.

The girls got to open their Easter baskets after we talked about the true meaning of Easter using pictures from the gospel art picture kit and an activity with a dozen plastic eggs. They got several pairs of shoes and some springy clothes and a few activity books.

As, I said I was sick on Easter morning, so I think Darin did a pretty good job getting the girls ready for church. He only got pictures of Emily in her Easter dress, but oh well, at least they were dressed and their hair was combed. It was beautiful weather which was nice because we are having another snow storm today. We invited my friend Kristin and her four children to go to church with us, so she and Darin managed the seven kids all alone.

Abigail is sorting and counting her loot from the Ward Easter Egg Hunt.

We took our friends the Evans with us to the Ward Easter Egg hunt.

There were tons of eggs and not very many kids, so each child came home with about 3 dozen plastic eggs of candy. We have more candy than we got at Halloween. This should be a crazy week.

Abigail and Quinton left no stone
un-turned and no bush
un-searched. They are trying to see who can be the first to get an egg out of the thorn bush. OUCH!

Abigail and Elizabeth wait patiently for the hunt to begin.