From Swan Valley, we drove into Victor &
Driggs (about 45 minutes). These were such adorable little towns (population about 1000 for each town). There are
alot of little towns in Idaho, but most of them are not well kept and run down. Victor and
Driggs were so cute with cute little downtown areas with little shops, drug stores, places to eat, and a country market. I loved it. We first stopped at this little park and let the kids play. It was such a fun park with the kind of toys that I remember playing on as a kid. They had a huge swing set with long chains, a merry-go-round, a sea-saw, monkey bars, and of course your usual playground. Darin and I even had fun on some of the toys.
Swinging was always my favorite thing as a kid. I didn't realize then, that it was such a work-out on your abs. I was on the swings for about 20 minutes and my abs were sore the next day from balancing and pumping my legs.

After the park, we went to the drive-in movie. I had never been to a drive-in before and was so excited! It was such a family friendly place, I loved it! Why aren't there more of these around? We paid, got our snacks, and parked the car. It was not very expensive either (candy was a dollar and the tickets were $7 for adults $3 for Abigail and the twins were free). While we waited for the movie to start the kids got out and played in the big field in front of the movie screen. They had a blast playing
Frisbee and hanging out with the other kids. This is my kind of movie outing with my kids. When it got dark, the kids climbed in the car and we enjoyed the movie. The twins fell asleep, but that was okay cause we just laid them down in the back seat of the car.
Abigail started out on top of the car with her sleeping bag.
Getting all the wiggles out before the movie.
We saw Cars 2. I liked it, but loved the experience more. I prefer the 1st Cars movie, but this one is worth seeing.