Man, the month of January FLEW by. Time just seems to be going by faster and faster these days. Below are some pictures, kind of a random assortment of things we have been up to lately.
The twins are 5 now and I love that they are best friends most of the time. They had their 5 year old well-child check-up at the doctor's office and got their kindergarten immunizations and vision and hearing screenings. Kindergarten can't come soon enough for these little girls, they can't wait.
Here are their stats:
Elizabeth Claire - Height 41.3 inches (24%), Weight 39 lbs (44%)
Emily Celia - Height 43 inches (58%), Weight 41 lbs (60%)
*Both of them are practically perfect in every way.

This picture is a bit blurry (I really need a new camera), but I thought I would share. One of the twins has been coming up every night for the past few weeks saying that she is scared. She finally admitted that she thought that a monster might get her. I kept taking her to bed and having her sing a primary song, told her everything was okay, etc., but nothing was working and she ended up sleeping in our room most nights (not my favorite thing)! So, one night, a light bulb came on and I had the idea to have her make "monster spray" the next day. So we got an old spray bottle, added water, a few essential oils, and glitter of course and I had her decorate the label with her best pictures of scary monsters (you can't see the monsters in the picture cause it is blurry, but they are there). I told her that if she sprayed her room before she went to bed she could sleep well and know that no monsters were going to get her. IT WORKED! So far, so good! We are on night 5 and she hasn't come up since. I also started giving her melatonin cause she was having bad dreams as well and she hasn't woken up with a nightmare yet (keep your fingers crossed).

It happened! We had our birthdays again. I am offically 30 and Darin is 37. I can't believe we are that old. We celebrated our birthdays by going down to Bountiful to visit Heather and Shane. We spent two nights there, and had a fun weekend of eating out, shopping, seeing movies, and getting the van fixed. Oh yes, and we had a Super Bowl party too! Heather made some yummy treats for the Super Bowl Party and this delicious chocolate, raspberry Volcano Cake. I have dedicated my 30's to becoming a better "me" and plan on doing some more things for myself to improve myself physically and spiritually, which inturn will make me be a better wife, mother, teacher, and overall person.
Carson turned 4 months old on my birthday. I love him so much! He is so fun.
He coos, blows bubbles, smiles, laughs, and has recently started squeeling. He is getting stronger and stronger every day, he rolls from side to side, but not all the way over yet, he totally holds his head up and lurches forward and wishes that he could sit up on his own. He had his 4 month well-baby check-up and immunizations. Here are his stats.
Carson Kent - Height 25 inches (55%), Weight 16lbs 1oz (75%), Head Circumfrence (73%)
He is also practically perfect in every way.