Abigail gave her first talk in Primary yesterday. It went like this, "This is President Gordon B. Hinkley. He was our prophet. He taught us to go to the temple. I can follow the prophet by going to the temple. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. " Abigail decided the morning of her talk that mommy was not going to help any more; it was daddy's turn to help her. Darin helped her give her talk. She whispered the entire time because Darin was whispering into her ear to help her. She was the first Sunbeam to go and the microphone was not adjusted for her height, so no one could really hear her, but I could see her mouth moving. We were really proud of her for being so brave and doing such a good job.
For some reason I thought she was a lot older than 3. I love reading your updates!
cute! abigale is seriously beautiful!!
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