We have been really busy the last couple of weeks. Here is a picture of a few of the highlights from the past couple of weeks.
Father's Day. Gifts for the man we love. I couldn't ask for a better father to my children. He loves them so much and is a great example (most of the time) to them. We are so lucky to have him in our lives.
Fun times with cousin Taylor.Taylor is surrounded by little girls: Elizabeth, Emily, & Abigail.

I LOVE all of Abigail's outfits!! Not sure if I told you yet or not but we are having a boy :)
The babies are getting so big. How old are they now?
I love seeing your pictures. I never went to lava hot springs, and I always wanted to when we were there. We would always end up going to Jackson or targhe or something whenever we did something like that. I'm glad you had a good time. I know how you are feeling with no swimming. It has just finally stopped raining here and although the weather is nice it's not even close to hot enough to actually go swimming. Someone said to me yesterday, "It's suppose to get up to 66 today" (like that's a good thing). I just agreed with her like that was really cool, but what I really was thinking was... "do you hear yourself? It's the end of June and you're talking about it being in the upper 60's like it's a good thing." It's nice though, I'm never hot :). I hope you're doing great.
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