Emily actually crawled today, she has been scooting around for a while, but today she crawled to a little cd player that I had sitting on a shelf. I guess she couldn't resist the temptation. Hopefully, we will get some video of Elizabeth's doings some time soon.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Not A Silent Sleeper
I always know when Emily is about to fall asleep because she starts to moan. Occasionally, she will moan while she is sleeping too. Here is some video footage of my noisy napper.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Testing 1-2-3
I have been trying to figure out how to get video onto blogger and I think I figured it out. This video is really just a test, but you can watch it if you like. We will see if it works. The video is of Abigail and Darin painting her playhouse.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Baby Jail & Emily Standing

Sunday, September 21, 2008
My Little Sister is Engaged%&*#!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Abigail's First Ride Home On The School Bus
I can not tell you how excited Abigail was to ride the bus with the big kids. She gets to ride the bus home on Thursdays, the buses are very safe here and the big kids look out for the little ones. The bus driver's name is Larry Fillmore and yes he was Darin's school bus driver when Darin was a little guy.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Twins Are 8 Months Old Today

*Sleeps through the night, but very difficult to get to sleep. She would rather wiggle and screech.
*Wild sleeper. It is impossible to keep a blanket on top of her.
*Has one bottom tooth.
*Is in size 12 months clothes. Size 4 diapers. (The outfit she is wearing is what Abigail wore at her 1st birthday party.)
*Very Strong. She makes me tired when I hold her because I am constantly fighting a wiggly baby.
*Knows how to babble, but she prefers screeching as her form of communication.
*Loves to blow bubbles and raspberries.
*Plays with toys; she will sit in her playpen and play for 20 minutes without complaining.
*Tries to crawl. She pushes herself backwards as her means of transportation. She hasn't quite figured out the forward motion yet.
*She bangs her head into the floor when she gets mad or frustrated.
*Tries to pull herself up, but she can't stand yet.
*Puts anything and everything in her mouth that she can get her hands on.
*Likes puffs and mum mums (food)
*Very cautious about new people.
*Still wakes up at least once in the night, but pretty easy to get to sleep, I just lay her down with a pacifier or her bottle if she is hungry and she falls asleep.
*Has two bottom teeth.
*In size 9 months clothes. Size 3 diapers.
*My cuddly baby. She loves to be cuddled and loved all day long, which can sometimes pose as a problem for mom.
*Babbles saying, "dadada, bababa, mamama"
*Silly girl. She loves to laugh at anything.
*Plays with toys, but doesn't like to be left in her play pen very long.
*Not too interested in crawling, she prefers sitting over being on her stomach. She rolls as her mode of transportation.
*She throws herself backwards when she gets mad or frustrated.
*She loves to sleep with a blanket covering her eyes, just like Abigail.
*Puts anything and everything in her mouth that she can get her hands on.
*She loves to rip and tear magazines and newspaper.
*Very friendly.
*She loves baby food.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Abigail's First Day of Pre-School

Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day Weekend Camping At Henry's Lake State Park

Side Note: Some of you may be wondering why I am not in any of the pictures, well, I will tell you: I love camping, but I do not love pictures of me camping, so I made sure that I was the designated photographer this camping trip. Also, some of you may be wondering how it was to take 3 kids under the age of 4 camping. Let me just say, the first day was a disaster and it got much better from there aside from the storm that we were in on the second night. I would definitely do it again (maybe next Memorial Day) we had some great bonding time, especially with Abigail.
Bear World