*Sleeps through the night, but very difficult to get to sleep. She would rather wiggle and screech.
*Wild sleeper. It is impossible to keep a blanket on top of her.
*Has one bottom tooth.
*Is in size 12 months clothes. Size 4 diapers. (The outfit she is wearing is what Abigail wore at her 1st birthday party.)
*Very Strong. She makes me tired when I hold her because I am constantly fighting a wiggly baby.
*Knows how to babble, but she prefers screeching as her form of communication.
*Loves to blow bubbles and raspberries.
*Plays with toys; she will sit in her playpen and play for 20 minutes without complaining.
*Tries to crawl. She pushes herself backwards as her means of transportation. She hasn't quite figured out the forward motion yet.
*She bangs her head into the floor when she gets mad or frustrated.
*Tries to pull herself up, but she can't stand yet.
*Puts anything and everything in her mouth that she can get her hands on.
*Likes puffs and mum mums (food)
*Very cautious about new people.
*Still wakes up at least once in the night, but pretty easy to get to sleep, I just lay her down with a pacifier or her bottle if she is hungry and she falls asleep.
*Has two bottom teeth.
*In size 9 months clothes. Size 3 diapers.
*My cuddly baby. She loves to be cuddled and loved all day long, which can sometimes pose as a problem for mom.
*Babbles saying, "dadada, bababa, mamama"
*Silly girl. She loves to laugh at anything.
*Plays with toys, but doesn't like to be left in her play pen very long.
*Not too interested in crawling, she prefers sitting over being on her stomach. She rolls as her mode of transportation.
*She throws herself backwards when she gets mad or frustrated.
*She loves to sleep with a blanket covering her eyes, just like Abigail.
*Puts anything and everything in her mouth that she can get her hands on.
*She loves to rip and tear magazines and newspaper.
*Very friendly.
*She loves baby food.
Wow, they are getting so big! I think Elizabeth looks so much like Abigail.
Your girls are the cutest. I love that ya'll went to Bear World. we drove by there all the time but we never went. It sounds cool. too bad Abigail didn't see a buffalo or a raccoon... so sad... she only saw a bunch of bear and a moose. How funny. I bet she loves preschool. Oh... I just saw your post that you lost my phone number. it's 208-964-3279. Thanks for remembering my birthday.
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