So, I made split pea soup yesterday and it was really yummy, but that isn't what my blog is about. Today, I got the soup out of the refrigerator to re-heat it for dinner. I set it on the counter and went in the living room to do something. Next thing I know, I hear Abigail screaming in the kitchen. She had climbed up on top of a 5 gallon bucket to get the pot of soup, I am not sure why she wanted the soup, but anyway. I come in the kitchen to find her with a face full of pea soup . She had dumped the soup on her head and fallen off the bucket. She was screaming because she had fallen and she had soup all over her and she couldn't see. I washed her face off and washed her eyes out. Apparently, her eyes were open when the soup decided to attack, so she was quite upset that her eyes were burning from the garlic, salt, and pepper in the soup. Who knew split pea soup could be so dangerous? I wish I could have taken a picture of her, but sometimes there isn't time for pictures during a crisis. I guess it is a good thing the soup was cold and I hadn't warmed it up yet.
1 comment:
That is hilarious... but a little sad at the same time. Abigail is so funny. mmm... split pea soup does sound pretty good.
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