Today I gave the girls baths after Abigail got home from Kindergarten. I then got the girls dressed and sent them on their merry way to play with each other. I was rotating the laundry when I heard Elizabeth crying. I then went to the back bedroom to locate Elizabeth and that's when the smell hit me. Why was I smelling peanut butter? I found Emily who had cornered Elizabeth and she was painting Elizabeth with peanut butter. I said "No, No Emily" and she turned around and said, "Mess?" I said, "Yes, big mess!" So much for clean babies! For those of you that don't know, Abigail is highly allergic to peanuts, so I had to quarantine her to the upstairs while I cleaned up the mess and bathed the twins for a second time in two hours. After I cleaned the mess, I went to investigate how Emily got the peanut butter. She had pushed a chair up to the counter, climbed on the counter top and got the peanut butter off of the second to highest shelf in the cupboard. I am not sure what was running through her head when she did this I guess she was thinking, "Hummm, what should I do today. I know! I think I will style my sister's hair with peanut butter! What a great idea!" If I could only get into the heads of my toddler twins, my life would be much easier.

Elizabeth's new hairstyle
Elizabeth's new hairstyle
The Culprit caught peanut-handed Emily Celia Ralphs
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