Yesterday, Abigail had me cracking up. I had to blog about two separate conversations we had.
Conversation #1
Setting: Driving home in the car.
Abigail "Mom, I am going to get daddy some slippers, a tractor, and a Blackberry for fathers day."
Misty "Oh really Abigail, those are all things daddy would like."
Abigail "Mom guess what I am going to get you for mothers day?"
Misty "What?"
Abigail "I am going to get you some lights that clap on and clap off and a Raspberry."
Conversation #2
Setting: Abigail has just cut her finger on a really sharp knife in the kitchen.
Misty "I bet you won't touch the blade of a knife again will you?"
(Abigail is getting a bit panicked at this point)
Misty "Here is a cold wet rag to put on your finger, now go sit on the couch and hold your hand above your head and put pressure on your finger. "
(Abigail takes off running down the hallway away from the living room)
(I had to get her calmed down and explain what pressure was)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Last Post of Cows for a while
I promise not to post any more pictures of cows for a while, but I finally got a picture of my favorites, so I just had to post them.

I like this little blond bull calf, his momma is the big red cow I think.
I like this little blond bull calf, his momma is the big red cow I think.
This is Daisey - the only cow that officially has a name. I love Daisey, I think she is so cute and so unique. Her mom is a little irritated that I am taking pictures of her baby cause she didn't sign over photography rights. Daisey just might have to get used to being followed around by the paparazzi though.
Easter Dresses
We decided to wear our Easter dresses to church yesterday because we have our bi-annual LDS General Conference on Easter Sunday. My parents are coming up and we actually get to go to Salt Lake for conference. I am excited! Of course I couldn't get the girls to sit still for pictures, so this is the best I got. The twins are both wearing Easter dresses that Abigail wore and Abigail is wearing a dress that her Grandma Mimi gave her for her birthday last year, so I didn't have to buy dresses this year. Awesome!

I kept telling the girls to stop touching their face, so I guess they decided that the couch was a roller-coaster. Hey, at least you can see their faces.
I kept telling the girls to stop touching their face, so I guess they decided that the couch was a roller-coaster. Hey, at least you can see their faces.
New Herd
Darin got all of his new cows this weekend, eight of them came with their calves and one that was pregnant already calved on Sunday. He has seven more pregnant ladies and then he will have a heard of 36 cows & calves plus one bull. He hasn't picked up his bull yet, we have to build him a separate pen. I couldn't get a picture of my favorite calf she kept running up in the orchard, but I will post a picture of her later. She is an all white heifer calf, so Darin said I could keep her, he will sell all of the bull calves this fall.

Moms with their babies.
Moms with their babies.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
2010 Rockland Annual Easter Egg Hunt
The twins got to hunt eggs last Friday in Rockland's Annual Easter Egg Hunt. It didn't take them long to figure out what was going on. The egg hunt is during school, so it is only for pre-schoolers. Pretty Cute! The weather couldn't decide if it was winter or spring so the twins had several layers on. We have alread had enough candy to last us until Halloween and it isn't officially Easter yet.
Crash & Burn
I was cleaning the bathroom the other day when I suddenly noticed that my house was unusually quiet. This is not normally a good sign, when my kids are quiet that usually means that they are getting into trouble somewhere. I went searching for the kids and found Abigail playing with her doll house (Abigail - check). Then to find the twins. Emily was passed out on the couch, I guess Elmo was too much for her to handle, that monster has a lot of energy you know (Emily - check). Elizabeth was the strangest discovery, she had literally fallen asleep on top of Abigail's Hannah Montana guitar. When they crash they crash! (Elizabeth - check). The picture was taken after I had covered her up with a blanket. I didn't dare move her, and yes our playroom is that messy most of the time. That is why it is a playroom. I only get around to cleaning it once a week.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
More Dancing
Yesterday, was Abigail's second dance competition of the year, well I don't really know if it was a competition because the judges didn't show up. Oops! Oh well, it didn't make a difference to Abigail, she wanted to stay the entire six hours and watch all of the dances, she didn't even want to leave to go get food. Now that is dedication!

Ariana, Abigail's cousin came to this dance competition. Ariana is a dinosaur and Abigail is a birthday party girl.
Ariana, Abigail's cousin came to this dance competition. Ariana is a dinosaur and Abigail is a birthday party girl.
Spring is Coming
Spring in Idaho is a big tease. One day it is beautiful outside with the sun shining and 45 degrees, and the next day there is snow on the ground. Darin has started being away from the house a little more and more as he finds different projects around the farm to do and our Cows are still calving. Darin bought a few more Cows, so by summertime if everything goes well we should have 17 momma cows, 17 calves, and a yearling bull. I hope his ranching business does well this year.
Poop Everywhere
Warning: Do not keep reading if you are easily grossed out or offended by the topic of toddler excrement's.
First off I need to say AaaaaaaHhhhhh! For the twins second birthday they got all of the things that they needed to start potty-training. I wasn't really planning on potty-training them until this summer, when it is okay to run around the house in underwear, but I thought if each of them got their very own potty chair, Elmo that pees, and big girl panties, we could start talking about going pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty. I think I have created a monster. Elizabeth is a little bit interested in the potty and she loves to wear the panties over her diaper, but Emily is a whole different story. Emily will actually go in the potty #1 and #2 if I catch her at the right moment, but here is my problem. Emily will wear a diaper, but as soon as she goes #2, off goes the pants, and off goes the diaper, with all content inside. Does she tell me that she is poopy? NO! I think she is playing nicely in the play room and then I hear screams from Abigail and Elizabeth. "Eeeeeeeewwwwww Poop!" as Emily is stomping in her dirty diaper or wiping it on the walls, etc.. What is her freaking problem? Does she know how disgusting that is? This has not happened just once, it happens almost everyday. I have talked to her about how poop goes in the potty, I have had her help clean the mess up, and I have sat her on the toilet hoping that she would poop there. HELP!!! What do I do? I am totally disgusted by cleaning up poop mess everyday. This has gone on for about two weeks and I am at my wits end! Good thing she isn't a puppy or she would have been kicked out of the house days ago!
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