So, I decided that I would potty train the twins this weekend as a mothers day gift to myself. I noticed that I had five days on the calendar that had hardly anything scheduled on them, so I decided now, is the time. I think the twins are ready, we just needed a few days that I was willing to be home bound to get the job done. We started off the day by me showing the twins their potty, big girl panties, and their sticker chart. I gave them a sippy of juice and turned on Elmo's Potty Time movie. We then, tried to go and it worked, they were so proud to put a sticker on their chart and get a chocolate chip to eat. I have a bowl of chocolate chips on the top shelf for them to have after they have gone and washed their hands. It is noon right now and they have attempted to go about 10 times and they have had no accidents so far (cross your fingers). Man, will this be a great mothers day if I can say good bye to diapers and hello to pull-ups. By the way, we don't use pull-ups for potty training. I just have them wear pull-ups if they are going to take a nap or go to sleep. My kids have never taken the time to stop what they are doing to go potty if they are in a pull-ups. It is too convenient for them to cheat.

Emily is really trying in this picture, she wants to get as many stickers as Elizabeth.
Emily is really trying in this picture, she wants to get as many stickers as Elizabeth.
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