So, about a month ago Darin applied for a job at Lowes. The position he applied for was a part-time position on nights and weekends. We were really hopeful that he would get this job so that we could have some health insurance because Lowes offers their part-time employees health insurance. While in the interview, Darin was very clear that he would not be able to work on Sundays before 3:00 because he wanted to go to church with his family. Darin was offered the job and we were elated. Darin's manager told him that he would have to do a training on a Sunday and then, she would do her very best not to schedule him on Sundays unless they were totally desperate. We felt good about this because it is pretty important to have health insurance, right? Well, after Darin got his work schedule, he noticed that he was scheduled EVERY Sunday from 10-7 until forever. He spoke with his manager again and this time she had changed her tune, she wouldn't budge, not one bit. So he had to quit after only working there for 2 weeks. Also, when he was offered the job, he was told that our health benefits would not kick in until June 1st, we were okay with this because many companies have a policy that you have to wait a couple of months to receive benefits. Well, when Darin went to pick up his paycheck, half of it wasn't there because they had charged us for health insurance that we didn't or couldn't use. This time Darin went to the store manager and hes was just as unwilling to help a guy out as the HR manager. They would not give us our money back, so basically, half of Darin's paycheck was gone, paying for benefits that we didn't or couldn't use. Man was Darin ticked! Before Darin quit his job, he was able to take advantage of his 10% employee discount and purchase a deep freeze. It was delivered on Tuesday and it is Friday and it has stopped working all together. GREAT! We will be returning the freezer tomorrow and hopefully we will be getting a full refund and taking our business across town to Home Depot. The upside was that Darin really enjoyed the job for the couple of weeks he was there and he liked his co-workers, but the management stinks!!
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