With this post, I am realizing that I have been blogging for about 4 years now. The first post that I did on this blog was of when I was pregnant with the twins on Christmas of 2007. Now four years later, I am still blogging and have done the best at journaling in my entire life. The pictures on this post are in reverse order of events. The picture above are of Darin and Elizabeth enjoying the fishing game this morning. We are still discovering and enjoying all of the new toys this morning.

Last night Heather and Shane came over for Christmas dinner and gifts. They got Darin these John Deere suspenders and he LOVES them. All, I can say is "Oh Deere!"

Emily got Rapunzel / Tangled Hair, and it is as long as she is tall. She loves it.

We had a very competitive game of Go Fish!

Darin and Shane played Legos with the girls.

In the afternoon on Christmas the girls and Darin went to Rockland to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ralphs while I stayed home and cooked Dinner with Heather. The girls got these cute skirts and leggings from Grandma and Grandpa.

Because Christmas was on a Sunday, we had to get ready for church for a 1 hour church service right after we opened gifts. The girls got dressed and played with their new stuff while mom and dad got ready to go.

Abigail enjoyed drawing on this easel that Grand Nan and Papa sent.

On Christmas morning the girls woke up at 6:55 which is pretty good considering that is their usual time any day. Darin got an Atari Flashback 3 game console.

Abigail got a Barbie guitar from Emily.

Elizabeth was very quiet amongst the squealing of Abigail and Emily, checking out what Santa had brought.

Look at that sweet happy face.

We have a family tradition of getting new Christmas pajamas and looking at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. This year we were just going to go pick out our favorite pajamas that we already had and drive around town, but Grand Nan and Pajama gram came through for us and we had matching pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve. They are so comfortable and soft.

On the 23rd we baked cut out sugar cookies and frosted them and took them to the families that I visit teach and of course saved some for ourselves and Santa.
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