This post is kind of in reverse order of events because of the way the pictures uploaded, but oh well, at least I am getting this documented right? The twins got bicycles and helmets for their big birthday gift from Daddy, Mommy, Abigail, Grand Nan, and Papa. They were thrilled because they have grown out their tricycles and were dying to ride as fast as Abigail. Abigail was excited to have some buddies to ride around with. We took the girls to the stake center parking lot cause I wasn't sure how the twins would do their first time on a bike. They did awesome and picked up riding very quickly.

Of course our resident fashionista, Emily, had to make sure that her outfit matched the bike so she could ride in style.

Elizabeth was more concerned with how fast she could go.

Emily picked up riding very easily, but was very willing to pose for a picture.

After about 20 minutes of chasing Elizabeth to get a picture of her, I finally got this one. She didn't want to be bothered with picture taking while she was having fun.

The twins chose to have Lunchables for their birthday lunch and eat a picnic on a blanket while they watched cartoons (please excuse the very messy playroom- the kids were making memories, right?)

For birthday breakfast we had rainbow pancakes (an idea I got off of pintrest) the girls loved it and I think these may become a birthday tradition.

I had to wake the twins up for their birthday breakfast, they were almost too tired to eat, but I couldn't wait any longer or Abigail would have been late for school. Abigail loved helping me prepare the breakfast. She is such a good big sister most of the time.

Notice the shirt that Elizabeth is wearing. It is a dinosaur shirt that Heather and Shane got her. Liz loves dinosaurs and the boys in pre-school thought she was pretty cool with her dinosaur shirt.

For birthday dinner we had Macaroni & Cheese, BBQ Hot dogs, Salad, and pink lemonade and for dessert we had donuts. Of course we had to eat the dinner on fairy plates. Again, notice Elizabeth is wearing a Cars shirt that Heather and Shane gave her for her birthday. She switched between her cars shirt and her dinosaur shirt every other day until I had to sneak them away from her to be washed in the laundry.
We are sure glad these twins joined our family four years ago. These last four years have been a blurr, but I wouldn't change it for anything.
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