Today when I told the twins to get dressed this is what they came up with and I totally thought that these outfits embodied their personalities. Above is Emily - she loves leggings and skirts and shirts with some kind of embelishment. There always has to be some shade of oink in Emily's outfits and she loves to pose for the camera. Also, if you look close you can see a band-aid on Emily's foot. She is definately my most accident prone child at the moment and tends to have a boo boo somewhere at all times. Below is Elizabeth - she is definately my little tom boy. She loves caps and hats, tennis shoes, and overalls. She actually set these close out for church yesterday and it was quite the power struggle trying to convince her to wear a dress. She thought I was being pretty silly taking her picture, so the best I got was a half smile with her hands in her pockets. These girls are definately becoming best friends and the difficult moments are getting less and less as they get older, just in time for our new addition to make his or her arrival in October.

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