Day 1 - Our Love & Hate Jars with Clean, White Rice
Day 8 - It is hard to tell in the picture, but the Love Jar is just as white as Day 1 and the Hate jar's rice has turned yellow with black mold growing inside it.
A Close Up of the HATE jar on Day 8 - See the nasty mold!!
I think this really hit home for my girls. They can see the damage that unkind, hateful, mean words do to you. So the age old saying is a big fat lie "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Words cause just as much damage to the spirit as a physical injury. Everything has a spirit that needs to be loved and nourished. It brings to mind this scripture "The Lord created all things spiritually before he created them physically" (Moses 3:5).
Below is a link to the experiment: