So, I saw this experiment on Pintrest and thought it was cool, but didn't believe that it would work. The next week I went to Time Out For Women and Hilary Weeks talked about how she had done this experiment and the valuable lesson that it taught her about speaking kind words to yourself and others. I still didn't believe that it would work, but thought I would give it a try. So, for FHE a couple of weeks ago we had a lesson about kindness & love. I told the girls we would try this experiment, but I even gave a disclaimer stating that I wasn't sure that it would work. Basically, you cook some white rice and put the rice into two separate jars. Label one jar LOVE and the other HATE. Basically, we talked to the rice for a week and saw what happened to the rice after a week. We talked about how hateful / angry words are hurtful to our spirits and souls and also hurtful to the rice. I didn't really want the girls purposely speaking hateful words, so every time they got frustrated and wanted to say ugly things, I told them to go talk to the HATE jar instead of yelling at their sisters. Every night before bed we would tell the LOVE rice that that we loved it, were happy it was in our family and how smart and beautiful it was. I couldn't believe the results after a week. IT WORKED!! The only difference in our experiment and the one that I have given a link for below is that we kept the jars in separate closets. The girls didn't want the LOVE jar to get it's feelings hurt if it overheard what the HATE jar was listening to. Below are pictures of our results and a link to the experiment. What a great object lesson!

Day 1 - Our Love & Hate Jars with Clean, White Rice
Day 8 - It is hard to tell in the picture, but the Love Jar is just as white as Day 1 and the Hate jar's rice has turned yellow with black mold growing inside it.
A Close Up of the HATE jar on Day 8 - See the nasty mold!!
I think this really hit home for my girls. They can see the damage that unkind, hateful, mean words do to you. So the age old saying is a big fat lie "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Words cause just as much damage to the spirit as a physical injury. Everything has a spirit that needs to be loved and nourished. It brings to mind this scripture "The Lord created all things spiritually before he created them physically" (Moses 3:5).
Below is a link to the experiment:
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