Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Texas Pioneers

This post is a bit out of order, but I finally figured out how to get pictures from my email onto my blog. My parents left for their 6 month mission on April 15th. They will be serving in Martin's Cove, WY and giving handcart tours. They ran into some bad weather on the way up to Wyoming and were delayed about 3 days.

When they thought the coast was clear for them to drive their 5th Wheel up to the site where they will be living for the next 6 months, they were involved in an accident. Fortunately, they were not hurt, but they were delayed even longer and they actually missed their first few days in the MTC. A combination of high winds and ice caused the accident. SEVERAL Thousands of dollars of damage was done, but they are okay now. I am sure this is a minimal set back compared to what the LDS pioneers experienced as they traveled west for religious freedom.

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