Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet Carson!

I don't take many pictures when I am pregnant, but I always manage to take one the Sunday before I head to the hospital to have a baby. This is my one and only "belly shot" before Carson made his grand entrance.

It's time! We took this photo as we were walking into the hospital for Carson's delivery.

Darin in his blue smurff suit ready for the surgery.

Heather got to be in the surgery too. They usually only let one support person into the delivery room, but because Heather is an RN and once worked at that hospital, we were able to pull some strings and get her to go in to witness the c-section first hand.

Our new family! Just minutes after Carson's arrival.

Carson Kent Ralphs
D.O.B. 10-01-12
Weight: 7lbs 15 oz
Length: 20 inches

It's very surreal and a bit nostalgic knowing that Carson's birthday was the last time Darin and I will be experiencing the birth of a child together.

The new hospital in Pocatello has only been open for 1 year. I can definitely say it is a big improvement from the hospital that I delivered the twins in.

Carson's first bath. Getting all cleaned up and smelling sweet.


Rebecca and Cody said...

So cute!! Congrats! Is Carson the last of your cute clan?

Darin & Misty Ralphs said...

Yes, Rebecca, Darin and I decided before getting pregnant that this would be our last baby, so we are really happy that Heavenly Father sent a boy to our family. My body is done carrying and delivering children and we are happy to move on to the next phase of our lives. I miss seeing you at church. I hope you come visit soon.