Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Animals

The animals did great traveling to Texas. Aggie really loves the nicely groomed yard and she no longer smells like a cow pie. Mr. O'Malley has gotten a little lazy and put on a bit of weight. Unfortunately, Mr. O'Malley got hit by a car about two weeks ago. We took him to the Emergency Vet clinic to be put down because we thought he was a goner. The vet decided to keep Mr. O'Malley for a few days and do some X-Rays and medicate him. Amazingly he came home about four days after the accident. He has a broken jaw, burst eardrum, and a really bad concussion. When he got home he couldn't even walk cause his equilibrium was off. He gets better daily and we are hoping that he will be fully recovered shortly. Cats really do have nine lives, I think.

Aggie got a pedicure during General Conference on Sunday. The amazing thing about this is that she actually sat still for Harrison. When I gave her a haircut last time, she had to be sedated. This time she was totally chill while Harrison was trimming her toenails. This post is dedicated to Kristin, who has helped me with many a pet issue.
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