Friday, June 21, 2013

Fun Day Monday

I love Summer! We are having such a fun summer so far we have equal amounts of work and play in our schedules. On Mondays, we have Monday Funday and the girls get to choose some activities to do that we don't get to with our busy schedules during the school year.
We had story time in a tote with Dad.

I love this picture of these boys cause they have the same goofy expression on their faces.

One of the favorite activities we have done so far is making balloon flip-flops.

We also made Ice Chalk and Drew On The Trampoline with our colorful ice creations.

These popsicles are not edible - they are made out of cornstarch, water, and food coloring.

It was also really fun to jump on the trampoline and let the colorful ice chalk bounce around too. The girls tried to keep the chalk from touching them when they bounced. Whoever got tagged by an ice chalk was out and the last one standing was the winner. Emily was excited that she won.

On one of our Fun Day Mondays we went to the nursery and got tomatoes and planted them. I hope these do well.

And of course, family game night is always fun too.

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